A Happy Ending

The story of the prodigal son
is truly heart-warming.
The arrogant, rebellious younger son
squanders the family fortune
and finds himself deserted by friends
in a foreign land.
Alone and penniless,
he realises the error of his ways
and returns home,
a much humbler man.
There, he is welcomed with open arms
by his Daddy.

This is comforting, reassuring.
It reminds us of our Daddy in heaven,
ever-ready to welcome each one of us
with open arms.
Our God is a God
of love and compassion.

I love that part of the story.

But I wonder
why did Jesus not stop the story
at this point?
Why did Jesus choose to tell us
about the older brother,
eaten up by jealousy,
who feels unable to even look at
the foolish son?

Why did Jesus include
that part of the story?

I suspect that,
in this story,
Jesus is calling me
to love and forgive others
in the same way
that My God loves and forgives me.
Jesus doesn’t intend this story
to be simply heart-warming –
He intends to challenge me
to live a life of love.

I can see his point
(but I would still have preferred
a happy ending!)

©  Claire Murray, 19th March 2017

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