A Giant Among Men

Danny’s an old man now.
In his old age
Danny has shrunk a wee bit,
stooped a wee bit
and his flaming red hair has,
at long last,
turned sandy and grey.

Danny is dying of cancer.

Danny’s an intelligent man.
He worked out for himself
the various ways
that cancer might take him.
And when nurses revealed to the family
how the end might come for Danny,
the entire family was shocked …
… apart from Danny.

Danny predicted the news
and Danny accepted that news
some time ago
in silence.

Danny lives each day
at peace in himself
and in a quiet acceptance
that right now,
death is simply a part of his life.
Danny shrugs his shoulders
and quietly gets on
with the day to day business
of living.

I can see
that an important part
of Danny’s life
is the way in which
he faces death.

I can see
that Danny is old,
slightly stooped
and turning grey
but when I look at Danny
through eyes of faith,
I see that Danny is really
a giant among men.

© Claire Murray, 11th October 2013

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