
It’s funny.
Today is the first day of summer
but as I settle down to morning prayer
all I can picture in my mind’s eye
is fireworks.

You see,
Paul put his back out
making the bed –
a simple action
that left him in agony
for several days.
Standing, sitting and walking
were all excruciating
and as for getting into bed –
a nightmare!

Paul suffered
and I prayed.

This morning
Paul’s back pain eased
and Paul is now able
to walk about tentatively,
dress himself
and even get out of bed
with only a wee bit of pain.

Such a relief!

All that I seem to say
when I settle down to pray
is a score of “thank you’s”
which I fire up into heaven
in quick succession.
They remind me
of fireworks I have seen
that shoot vertically
in a quick succession –
a well-timed sequence
of golden plumes,
going go phutt-phutt-phutt
as they launch into a night sky.

So I sit here
on this summer’s morning
with my mind filled
with a fireworks display of thanks
and my heart soars.

© Claire Murray, 1st June 2019

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