
My friend Brenda
used to say
that the trouble with medical people
is that, when they look at you,
they only see
their own little specialism.
Brenda said that it was a terrible pity
nobody ever took the time
to look at the person
as a whole.

I pictured a host of medical people,
each one taking
one tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle
and focusing on it
never taking the time
to look at, and understand,
the whole picture.

Paul’s been suffering a lot
this summer.
As a result of cutting the hedge
Paul injured his back
and as a result of injuring his back
Paul then injured his knee.
But both of these injuries
have taken place
against the backdrop
of a broken heart –
Paul’s Mammy, Dolores,
died earlier this year
and Paul misses her terribly

please heal Paul.
Not just one little piece
of the jigsaw –
Paul’s back
or Paul’s knee.
Please look at the whole picture,
the whole jigsaw
and heal Paul
and soul.

© Claire Murray, 17th August 2019

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