Christmas Confession

In the busy run-up to Christmas
I find the time
to go to confession
at St Oliver Plunkett’s.
In preparation
during the course of the day
I go over in my own mind
my failings
and short-comings
and, as I arrive for confession,
my mood is quite sombre.

When I approach Fr Ciaran
I’m greeted
by a huge smile
and a warm handshake.

When I confess my sins
I get the impression
that Fr Ciaran’s focus
is not so much
on the sins themselves
as on my repentance.
After absolving my sins
I receive another huge smile
and another warm handshake
and I have the impression
that Fr Ciaran sees my confession
as a cause for celebration –
the return of the sinner.

I feel like the Prodigal Son
on his return home.

And as I leave the church
to continue my preparations
for Christmas
I feel challenged
to bring some of that warmth
and sense of acceptance
to people I meet –
especially those
who don’t expect it.

© Claire Murray, 18th Dec 2019

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