I Pitch My Tent

I Pitch My Tent

Today I pitch my tent
where I am right now
with my wonderful, imperfect husband, Paul,
my fun-loving, imperfect children,
my loving, imperfect parents,
my dutiful, imperfect brothers
and my understanding, imperfect sister,
Paul’s generous, imperfect parents
and my caring, imperfect friends.

Today I choose to pitch my tent
with my rewarding, imperfect job,
my lively, imperfect students
and my patient, imperfect colleagues.

Today I choose to pitch my tent
with my helpful, imperfect neighbours
in quiet, imperfect Dundrod.

And as I pitch my tent
I am reminded
not to expect perfection
in myself or in others.
I sense that right here, right now
is exactly where I am meant to be.
I feel a deep sense of peace
and a deep sense of gratitude
for my blessed, imperfect life.

© Claire Murray


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