Always a Chance!

Living out in the country,
every time that I drive anywhere
there’s always a chance
that I’ll see something of interest –
a fox and her cub,
a heron patiently poised by the river,
a moorhen darting out in front of me,
a mouse racing across the road.
Usually I see nothing of particular interest –
but there’s always a chance!

As Pentecost approaches each year
I remember how the Holy Spirit
filled the disciples with such joy
that they couldn’t contain their excitement.
The Holy Spirit transformed them,
snuffed out the fear that had subdued them,
shook the very house to its foundations!

As Pentecost approaches, I wonder
whether the Holy Spirit will transform me,
heal me,
help me to overcome my fears,
help me to become all that My God has intended
that I could be?

And so this Pentecost I wait
with a sense of anticipation …
… because there’s always a chance!

(c) Claire Murray

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