

As a youngster
I called next door
to ask the girl who lived there
to come out to play.
I called at her house
again and again.
Each time
her Mammy answered the door
and explained that her daughter was busy.

my Mammy took me to one side
and gently explained to me
that the girl next door
didn’t want to play with me,
probably because she was older than me.
I felt hurt, embarrassed
and rejected
and I stopped calling for her.

As an adult
I occasionally meet someone
with whom I would like to be friends
but who has no wish
to be friends with me.
Despite being all grown-up now
I still feel hurt, embarrassed
and rejected
and I stop contacting that person.

It’s a sad truth in life
that not everyone we like
will want to be a friend.

But it makes me wonder
about God.
How does God feel
when He asks us to be His friend
and we show no interest?

I don’t imagine
that Gods embarrassed
but does he feel hurt and rejected?
More importantly,
does God give up
trying to be friends with us?

©  Claire Murray, 4th November 2016

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