Pharisee (Luke 14: 1-6)

As Jesus makes his way
to the home of a senior Pharisee,
other Pharisees skulk at a distance.
They watch his every move,
willing him to do something
that is against the Jewish law
so that they can publically challenge him
and bring him down.

But Jesus is aware of their intentions
and, before curing a man,
he asks the Pharisees
whether he should cure someone
on the Sabbath
or not?
The Pharisees can find no reply.

Reading this
I feel so sorry for Jesus
who wishes to act out of love
and yet finds himself
under constant scrutiny.
I think about the Pharisees
who have closed their hearts
to the love of God
and who are more concerned
with Law
than with God.

An uncomfortable thought strikes me.
There are times in my life
when I, too, lie in wait,
hoping for someone to trip up,
and secretly celebrating their misfortune
when they do.
I am shocked –
I have more in common with the Pharisees
than I thought!

help me in my life
not to snipe from the side-lines
when others are in difficulty.
Help me
to act out of love.
Help me
to be less like the Pharisees.

©  Claire Murray, 31st October 2016

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