Does God Cry?

Have you ever wondered
whether God cries?

We cry for so many reasons.
Sometimes we cry tears of happiness
but usually our tears are the result
of fatigue or frustration,
fear or helplessness,
broken hearts or anger.

But, undoubtedly,
the tears that cause us the deepest pain
are the ones that we shed
in grief.

The death of someone we love
is heart-wrenching
and heart-breaking.
Our pain knows no bounds
and the tears flow.

What about God?
Did he cry
when his beloved son
died in excruciating pain
on a cross?

I don’t believe
that God cried.
I believe
that God screamed and howled in pain,
his agony reverberating
throughout the whole of creation,
turning day into night,
causing the earth to quake
and tearing the veil of the temple
in two.

We cry
and we are all created
in the image of God.
Jesus cried
and he was the son of God.

Maybe God cries too?

© Claire Murray, 9th January 2017

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