
Lent has been a long six weeks
of prayer,
of going to Mass when I can
and of giving up
some of my favourite things
as I try to deepen my awareness
of the presence of My God
in myself, in others
and in the Eucharist.

Then the Easter Ceremonies began.

On Holy Thursday
I was reminded of the humility of Jesus
when he placed himself, the master,
at the service of others
as he washed the feet
of his disciples.
I was reminded of the generosity of Jesus
as he made himself available
to every single one of us
through his institution
of the Eucharist.

On Good Friday
I relieved the torture, agony,
brokenness and humiliation
of Jesus
as he endured the torment of crucifixion
for me.

Now it’s Easter Saturday,
a long day, without ceremonies
and without guidance.
I feel that I have been cut adrift,
lost somewhere between
the agonising passion of Jesus
and the joy of his Resurrection.

So, on Easter Saturday,
I kneel in prayer,
in the church of St Mary
in Fanavolty
and I wait
because I don’t know
what else to do.

© Claire Murray

2 thoughts on “Adrift

  1. I just love this one. It puts into words the feeling of unfinishedness that I experience on Easter Saturday. Around me friends are going away to the caravan for the first trip of the year, or watching sport on TV. Their celebration is understandable, but it feels sort of premature…liking opening presents early at Christmas.

    • Ruby, glad you liked this one. And your comment about opening Christmas presents early was spot-on! Thanks! Claire

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