Belfast at Peace


It’s a clear, crisp morning
and as I walk to work
I am just in time
to watch the pale, autumn sun
slowly climb up into the sky
over the Albert Bridge.
Overhead the sky is clear and blue
and the Lagan slips gently by
with barely a ripple.
As the sun rises
Belfast is a peace.

Down at the docks
tall buildings tower
into the blue sky
and are mirrored on still waters.

As I gaze across the still, teal waters
towards Belfast docks
I am struck by the peace, stillness
and beauty
of this autumn morning.

I can’t help but wonder –
if I was standing
on Belfast docks
gazing over at my place of work,
would I stand there in awe,
wondering at the peace, stillness
and beauty
that I would find there?

I hope I would!

©  Claire Murray, 26th October 2016

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