Carpet Beetle

A carpet beetle treks
all the way across
our bathroom floor.
He’s wile, wile, wee –
only about the size
of a granule of instant coffee.

Looking down
I realise that, to him,
I’m a giant –
maybe a hundred thousand times bigger
than he is.
I’m aware that if,
at any time,
a choice had to be made
for who would be inconvenienced,
me or the carpet beetle,
I would win-out
every time.

There would be absolutely no question
of me suffering
for the carpet beetle.
That wee carpet beetle
is so insignificant, you see.

Then I think of Jesus –
all-knowing, all-powerful,
Jesus – who came down from heaven
to walk this earth with us
and to die in agony
on a cross for us.

Jesus – compared to Him,
I am way, way smaller
than that wee carpet beetle
and yet He did so much
for me.

And so, as I watch the wee carpet beetle,
I ponder my own nothingness
and the awesome, amazing love
that Jesus has for me.

(Then I scoop up
the wee carpet beetle
and put him outside
where he belongs!)

© Claire Murray, 27th July 2024

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