Celebration of God’s Love

At Mass this evening, in Fanavolty,
I had a sense
that Jesus was standing
right beside Fr Pat,
saying the Mass with him,
raising his hands during the consecration,
looking intently at everyone
in the congregation.

At Communion,
Fr Pat, as usual,
pressed the Body of Christ
into everyone’s hands
saying as he did so,
“the Body of Christ”.

But in my mind’s eye
I saw something different.
It was Jesus standing there,
giving Communion to each person
and saying to each person in turn,
“I love you”.
I was overwhelmed.

Mass this evening
was an re-enactment
of the greatest love story ever told,
a love that we manage to glimpse
in the love that we have for each other,
a love that is beautiful,
deep, powerful, transforming,

Mass this evening simply felt like
a tremendous celebration
of God’s love
for us.

© Claire Murray, 31st July 2012

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