Easter this year has been a time
of France and birthdays,
sun cream and sun glasses,
blue skies and the sparkling Mediterranean sea.
It has been a time
of lazy days
spent with family
and of two glorious weeks
spent off work!
But all too soon
my holiday is over
and Monday morning finds me
cycling across the Queen Elizabeth Bridge
on my way to work.
Grey skies and mist,
wet feet and waterproofs –
the antithesis of France!
Turning a corner
at the end of the bridge
I find myself greeted
by hundreds of daffodils,
golden and gently swaying
in the morning rain.
The daffodils must have appeared
during my fortnight’s break,
thriving in the damp, Irish weather!
The sight of the daffodils
lifts my heart
and whispers an assurance
that summer is not far off.
Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of these daffodils
which welcomed me
on a rainy day
as I returned to work!
© Claire Murray, 2nd April 2016