Giving Birth


Do you remember
when you were expecting
Pól Óg, Aoife and Niamh?
Do you remember
how you felt strongly
that it wasn’t a case of,
“I’m expecting a baby”,
but rather,
“We’re expecting a baby?”

Undeniably, you were the one
who bore each child
and who gave birth to each child.
But this was very much
a joint venture.
You never felt alone.
Do you remember
long hours in the labour ward,
when pain seemed to last
for an eternity?
Do you remember
when the pain got so intense
that you felt
that you could no longer bear it?

Do you remember
Paul by your side constantly,
his love for you more intense
than the pain you were enduring?
Do you remember Paul
holding your hand,
encouraging you,
praising you,
telling you how proud he was of you?

Do you remember
your conviction
that the throes of child birth
were easier for you to endure
than it was for Paul
to watch you suffer?
And don’t you still believe that?

Paul couldn’t endure the pain for you,
much as he longed to.
Yet his role in the birth of your children
was crucial;
his support was invaluable.
Paul participated intimately in the birth
of each of your children.
His role was not passive.

That’s how it is with me
when you invite me into your life.
I love you, I guide you,
I support you, I encourage you,
I delight in you, I am proud of you.
My role is not passive;
I become intimately involved in your life.

you’re never on your own;
we’re in this together.

© Claire Murray

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