Traffic is moving slowly
on the road ahead of me
and when I turn the corner
I can see why –
a huge “Men at Work” sign
blocks one side of the road
This is going to take a while;
I’ll need to be patient.
Sometimes I think
that I would need
a huge notice like that
pinned to my back
except instead of saying “Men at Work”,
my notice would say,
“God at Work”.
I feel that I am very much
a work-in-progress
and that, every day,
My God and I work together
to help me to become everything
that My God has intended
that I can be.
help me to be patient with myself
as I endeavour each day
to make a little more headway
on this “work-in-progess”
that is destined to last a life-time.
Help me also
to be patient with others
whose progress is, at times,
as slow as my own.
© Claire Murray, 8 December 2015