Grey Ash Wednesday

Today, as I walked to work
I paused, as usual,
at the Waterfront Hall
to search for beauty
in the imperfect reflection of the sky
on the waters of the Lagan.

On its surface I usually see
a rising sun,
pastel coloured clouds,
street lights,
even birds in flight.

The beauty that I usually see there
offers me hope
that despite my flaws
my life will manage
to reflect for others
a beauty that comes from My God.

Today, as I looked for beauty
in the Lagan
on a grey, wet, windy
Ash Wednesday morning,
I found none.
I was deeply disappointed.

But as I gazed,
at the Lagan,
I noticed a small, black shape
drawing a “V” in the water
as it moved steadily downstream.

A shining, black arc
rose from the water
and plunged under it again.
Just as I realised
that I was watching a seal,
it disappeared from view.

I laughed, reminded
not to lose heart
because even on a grey, wet, windy
Ash Wednesday morning,
there is beauty to be found
by those who take the time
to look for it.

© Claire Murray

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