Grinning Motorcyclist

You know that joke that goes,
“How do you know
the grinning motorcyclist?
He’s the one with all the flies
stuck to his teeth!”?
I was reminded
of that grinning motorcyclist today
as I cycled to work
along the Tow Path.

An injury and a long winter
had prevented me from cycling
for a long time.

This morning,
as I swung my leg over the saddle
I silently asked Eddie,
whose tenth anniversary it is today,
to saw a wee prayer for me
that I might arrive at my work
safe and sound.

As I cycled to work
I was filled with such delight,
joy and excitement
that I couldn’t stop grinning,
even at total strangers!

This morning’s cycle to work
felt like a precious gift
from My God.

Later today
as I wheeled my bike into the garage
I thanked Eddie,
whom I have never met,
for his part in a journey
that had not only been safe and sound
but also exhilarating
and that had left me smiling incessantly,
just like that grinning motorcyclist!

© Claire Murray

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