It is Good for Us to be Here

After walking through wind and rain
with heads tucked down
and coats zipped closed,
we open the door of Crumlin Chapel
and step into a porch
that feels quiet and still
and warm.

Exposition is on.

Paul and I genuflect,
enter one of the seats
and kneel together in prayer
in the presence of Our God
and I think to myself,
“Lord, it is good for us
to be here!”

Outside, it is noisy.
The wind howls,
rain beats against the windows
and children call out to each other
in play.

Inside, there is a strong sense of peace
and prayer
and I think to myself,
“Lord, it is good for us
to be here!”

As we kneel in prayer
I have a sense
of Jesus calling Paul and me
as a couple
and not simply
as two individuals.

I feel privileged
and well and truly spoiled
as I kneel
in the presence of My God
and beside the one I love
and I think to myself,
“Lord, it is good for us
to be here!”

© Claire Murray

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