Morning Offering


I’m knackered today.
I don’t know
if I’ll be of any use to you.

I’m knackered today
but I offer myself to you
just the way I am.

I’m knackered today
but I gladly accept from you
the precious gift of today.

I’m knackered today
but I’ll try to live today for you
to the best of my ability.

I’m knackered today
but I can feel your love
through my fatigue.

I’m knackered today.
Help me today to love myself
and to love others.

I’m knackered today
and I offer my tiredness
as a gift to you.

I’m knackered today.
Help me to focus on you
and not on my weariness.

I’m knackered today
but I accept this tiredness
that you have sent my way.

I’m knackered today.
Help me to draw close to you
throughout the day.

© Claire Murray

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