Sat Nav

When I’m going somewhere
for the first time
and I’m not quite sure of the way
I use my sat nav.

I type in the address,
wait a few moments
and then my sat nav begins
to give directions to me.

Sometimes I drive past my junction
by mistake.
After a slight pause
my sat nav begins to give me directions
to correct the mistake
that I have just made.

It never loses patience with me.

As I journey through life
I often find myself unsure
of the way to go
and I turn to my spiritual sat nav,
My God.

Step by step and day by day
He gently guides me
and shows me the way to go.
Sometimes, despite my best efforts,
I make huge mistakes
and head off
in completely the wrong direction.

When that happens
I turn again to My God
and he gently points me again
in the right direction.

He never loses patience with me.

Because of my mistake
my journey may be more circuitous
than it needed to be
but I get there in the end.

My spiritual sat nav only works
if I genuinely do my best
to follow My God each day
and if my destination matches
the only one that my spiritual sat nav
is programmed to recognise –

(c) Claire Murray

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