Scientific Experiment

Today I conducted a scientific experiment.
I filled a saucer with milk
and attached a strong magnet to its rim.
I placed three Cornflakes
right in the middle of the milk
and watched for a few moments
to see whether they would move.
They didn’t.
I headed off
to spend the day
with our youngsters.

On our return I found
three very soggy Cornflakes
that had drifted across the milk
to position themselves
right beside the magnet.
You see, inside each Cornflake,
invisible to the naked eye,
were tiny particles of iron
which had been powerless to resist
the attraction of the magnet.

That’s how it is
with God and me.
Deep down,
at the centre of my being,
is a tiny spark of God
that I cannot ignore.
God calls to me
gently, constantly, incessantly
and I must answer.
I am powerless to resist.
Through this tiny spark of God
deep within me
I am drawn to God.
I am brought home.

© Claire Murray

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