Smoke All Blows the One Way

My Granny Fisher had a unique view
of the many different strands of Christianity;
she used to say,
“The smoke all blows the one way!”
It was her way of explaining that,
at the end of the day,
the prayers of all Christians
are heard by the same God.

Last night
I went to the carol service
that was organised by my parish,
the Catholic parish of Hannahstown.
The carol service was led by Father Kevin
from Hannahstown
and by Reverend John
from the Church of Ireland
at Stonyford.

There was a real cross-community feel
to the carol service.

Father Kevin and Reverend John
stood side by side on the altar,
dressed identically
in robes of black, white and purple
and taking it in turns
to lead the congregation in prayer.
Catholic primary school children
led the singing
and re-enacted the Christmas story
while Rosemary, from the Church of Ireland,
played the organ.
And all the while
Catholics and Protestants sat side by side
in the congregation.

I had a strong sense
of Christians setting aside differences
to celebrate all that we share in common.

Granny Fisher would have loved this carol service
and I know exactly
what she would have said about it –
“Sure doesn’t the smoke all blow the one way?”

© Claire Murray, 16th December 2016

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