
I would love to meet Stormzy.
I hear all about him
from my student daughter, Niamh.
Stormzy is a young rapper from London.
He performs on stage
with passion and energy,
speaking a language
that London youth understand

And Stormzy is a man of faith.

Tonight, at vigil Mass,
we join with the angels,
praising God and singing,
“Hosanna in the highest!”

But, to be honest,
these words don’t really mean a lot to me.
These aren’t my words –
they feel like the words of angels.
And I find myself thinking about Stormzy.

I’m convinced
that Stormzy’s song to God
would be absolutely bursting with praise
but I can’t imagine him saying
“Hosanna in the highest!”
What would Stormzy sing

I would love to meet Stormzy
so that I could ask him
to put a modern, youthful twist
on these ancient words of praise.
Then, I could join with the angels
in praising God
using a language
that I can understand.

© Claire Murray, 12th November 2017

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