At Christmas vigil Mass
I had a sense
that I was a tiny,
absolutely essential part
of a tremendous occasion –
the celebration of Mass.

I had a sense
that this crowded church
was jam-packed
with VIPs.

Each person present
was a beloved child of My God.
Each person present
had been specially chosen by My God.
Each person present
had been called by My God.
Each person present
was precious to My God.

Each person present
had a vital role to play
in this celebration of the Mass,
leading the congregation in prayer
or in song,
reading aloud from the scriptures,
serving the priest on the altar,
distributing Communion,
preparing the church
or simply quietly answering responses.

Each person present
was a miniscule, crucial part
of a monumental celebration.

In the eyes of My God
each person present
was a VIP.

© Claire Murray

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