Walking Boots

A sprained ankle
confines me to the house
for a couple of weeks.

the swelling subsides
and I discover that,
if I wear sturdy walking boots
and walk carefully,
I can go out for walks again –
Y A Y ! ! !

And so,
this week finds me …
riding on the train
into Belfast city centre
for coffee

… up Divis Mountain
where dozens upon dozens
of wee, tiny caterpillars
sporting Kilkenny GAA colours
(gold and black stripes)
wriggle and wiggle
with determination
all the way
across the narrow road.

… dandering along
the Greenway at Omeath
where brightly-coloured butterflies
daintily and beautifully,
on buddleias of pink, mauve
and purple.

… and finally
off to Drumkeeragh Forest
where the light scent
of freshly-sawn pine
wafts across our path.

Thank You, Lord,
for the gift of healing
and for the blessing
of being fit
to go out for walks again.

(May I never again
take this tremendous blessing
for granted!)

© Claire Murray, 30th July 2023

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