Will You Walk Away?

as I walk to work
I have in my mind
this picture of you
like Roald Dahl’s Big Friendly Giant,
the BFG,
carrying Danny
carefully, tenderly,
lovingly and protectingly
in your hands,
close to your heart.

I have a sense that, in his illness,
Danny is living his life
in the presence of Death
but in the company of God.

I’m puzzled.

You carry Danny
with such love and tenderness now,
in his illness
and I wonder
when the time comes
for Danny to die
will you have to walk away from him,
leaving him to face Death
without you?

Then in my mind’s eye
I see that, when that time comes,
you will continue to carry Danny
close to your heart
as Death approaches.
Then, holding Danny tenderly,
you will open your hands,
just a little,
so that Death can juke in
and see Danny,
who is so precious to you.
Death will whisper Danny’s name
and Danny will close his eyes
for the last time,
safe in your loving hands.

At his death,
as in life,
you will not walk away from Danny;
you will carry him.

© Claire Murray, 2nd October 2013

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