Worth the Effort

Sometimes a thought would pop
into my head,
“Imagine cycling down Hannahstown Hill!”
and my eyes would light up with delight.
But busy roads and lunatic drivers
made the dream seem impossible.

Today, I rose at dawn,
cycled a circuitous route
along quiet, country roads
and managed to arrive in safety
at the top of Hannahstown Hill.

I crouched down over my handle bars
and flew down the steep hill on my bike,
the wind on my face
forcing my eyes to water.
What a hill!
I laughed with joy,
when I reached the bottom.

Excitement over,
a leisurely journey home began.
At Hannahstown,
I saw rabbits in fields,
a sparrow hawk on a roof top.

At Divis
I watched an auburn fox race
through an expanse of rushes
and psychedelic pink moths
dance on the ground in front of me.

And while I enjoyed an unbroken view of the Mournes,
majestic in the early morning sun,
I felt My God say to me,
follow your dreams
in your own way
and at your own pace.
It’s worth the effort!”

© Claire Murray

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