Go Slow!

Summer draws to a close
and I treat myself
to a cycle along the tow path.
The Lagan flows slowly downsteam,
as it wends its way to Belfast.

Sunshine and blue skies,
river banks laced with pink and white flowers,
hedgerows glistening
with blackberries and elderberries.
The tow path, this morning,
is a place of peace and calm,
a place to be still,
a place to unwind, relax.

This is no place to rush!

And so I freewheel
on this gentle, almost imperceptible downhill,
going only marginally faster
than elderly ramblers.

I’m definitely on a
G O S L O W ! ! !

As I slowly make my way
along the tow path
I feel showered with blessings –
Dolores’s unexpected good health
over the summer,
time spent together with Paul,
love, health, family
and God all around.

I savour my slow-paced cycle –
steeped in nature
and surrounded by God –
such a perfect day
for a G O S L O W !

© Claire Murray, 30th August 2018