The Saddest Words (Luke 16: 19-31)

At Vigil Mass
Fr Thomas reads a gospel story
which, for me,
contains the saddest words
that Jesus ever spoke.
It was the story of the poor man called Lazarus
who died at the gates
of an un-named rich man.

Lazarus goes to heaven
but the rich man doesn’t.
The rich man pleads,
begging for Lazarus to be allowed
to return from the dead
and warn the rich man’s brothers
so that they may repent
of their evil ways.

The rich man’s request is denied.
Jesus goes on to explain why
and I find His explanation
Jesus explains
that if people won’t repent
after hearing God’s word
from Moses and the prophets
they won’t change their ways,
even if someone was to rise from the dead.

These words fill me with sadness.
Jesus is preparing
to sacrifice His own life
by enduring a tortuous death
but His words tell me
that Jesus is fully aware
that, for some people,
nothing that He ever does
will be enough to convince them
to change their ways.

Jesus is fully aware that,
for some people,
his agonizing death will be in  vain.

Isn’t that just incredibly sad?

©  Claire Murray, 18th September 2016

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