Over to You!

I have a sore throat
and I’m concerned about my voice.
I’ve devised strategies
to save my voice –
I’ve stopped singing
and cycling,
I keep speaking to a minimum,
I wrap myself up in a scarf
and take hot drinks

On my way to work
I go the Morning Service
at St Anne’s Cathedral,
deeply conscious
that my voice is in danger
of disappearing altogether.

As I sit in silent prayer
I find myself saying,
“Here I am, Lord,
I come to do your will.”

Morning Service ends
and as I push open the huge glass doors
at the entrance to the cathedral
I complete my morning prayer,
“I’ve done what I can, Lord.
Now, it’s over to you!”
(c) Claire Murray, 18th Sept 2014


Some very special intentions
are in my mind
from the moment of my waking
and I know
that I’ll continue to pray
for these intentions
throughout the day.

But one of these intentions
is really troubling me
and I find myself
in a dilemma,
struggling to decide
which course of action
I should take
and as I cycle on my way to work,
this niggles at my mind.

I chain my bike up
at St Anne’s Cathedral
and enter,
just in time for the Morning Service.
As I sit in silence
in the Chapel of Unity
I bring all of my concerns
to My God.

In my mind’s eye
I take each of my special intentions in turn
and gently place it
before the altar.
I decide
that during the Morning Service
I will do my best
to leave each of my special intentions
in the hands of My God
and I will entrust them
to His loving care.

As I sit in silence
my mind clears
and in that instant
I know precisely what I need to do.
I resolve to do this
as soon as the Morning Service ends.

I am filled with peace
and my burden is gone.

(c) Claire Murray, 3rd Sept 2014