My friend is experiencing
health issues.
He suffers from his illness,
he suffers from all of the waiting
and he suffers from worry.
I pray to Mary, my mother,
bringing my friend before her
and asking her
to pray for him
in his illness.
And so I pray the Joyful Mysteries
of the Rosary …
“Mary, my mother,
at The Annunciation
you had the courage
to say, “Yes”,
to God’s plan for you.
Please pray that my friend, like you,
may have the courage
to say, “Yes”,
to God’s plan for him.
“Mary, my mother,
at The Visitation
Elizabeth said to you,
“Blessed is she who believed
that the promise made to her
would be fulfilled.”
Please pray that my friend
may hear those words
spoken to him today
and that he may have the faith
to place his trust in God,
just as you did.
“Mary, my mother,
at The Nativity
you brought Jesus into the world.
Please pray that my friend
may welcome Jesus
into his life
and that he may discover
that, by putting Jesus
at the centre of his life,
everything else
falls into place.
“Mary, my mother,
at The Presentation you presented to God
what was most precious to you –
the Baby Jesus.
Please pray that my friend
may be able to present to God
all of the worries, fears and anxieties
that he holds so close to his heart
and that, in doing so,
he may find comfort.
“Mary, my mother,
at The Finding in the Temple
you found your lost, teenage, Jesus
(who had gone AWOL).
Please pray that my friend
may find, in God,
those precious gifts
of healing and peace.
Mary, my mother,
I bring all of these prayers before you,
knowing that you will pray for my friend,
who is one of your precious children.
Please keep him tenderly
in your loving care.
© Claire Murray, 23rd Sept 2020