Pentecost (2024)

There’s something exciting
about Pentecost –
something unpredictable,
something exciting.

A sense that
anything is possible.
A sense that
the Holy Ghost might just
move in mysterious ways
to influence minds
so that the seemingly impossible

A day for the Holy Ghost,
so often forgotten,
to be given His place.
A day for us all
to be filled to the brim
with Christian hope.
A day for
the awesome power
of the Holy Ghost
to be unleashed.

And so,
during this Octave of Pentecost,
I read the Mass readings
every morning
with an sense of anticipation,
I pray
for a very special intention
and I silently wonder,
“What will the Holy Ghost do
during this season of Pentecost?”

© Claire Murray

Garden in May

It’s May.
Blue skies and warm days –
time to tidy up the garden!

Hoeing and digging,
brushing and raking,
weeding and planting.

Time to find new life
springing up
in surprising places –
hawthorns among hyacinths,
a tiny oak under a bluebell,
Jacob’s ladder clambering
on a stony bed.
Mysterious pale, bell-shaped flowers
have sprung-up
by our cherry tree
(what will they turn out to be?)

Plants potted, paths tidied
and cups of tea in the sun
as we watch birds feeding
and a wee mouse exploring
a flower bed.

Absolutely perfect –
thank You, Lord!

© Claire Murray, 8th May 2024

Spring Walk at Distillery

Something unusual happens today –
the rain stops!
And not only does the rain stop,
but the sun actually shines …
all … day … long!

So off we go to the Tow Path
at Distillery
for a walk.

It’s a glorious day
and the wildlife seems to be
enjoying the sun
every bit as much
as ourselves.

Bunnies in the long grass
and countless ladybirds
on golden dandelions.
A tiny goldcrest
from twig to twig
above our heads
and robins watch curiously
as we pass.

Wee, tiny, gingerbread-coloured grebes
cry out their startling alarm
before disappearing
beneath the surface
of the Lagan.

Ducks snooze
on the river bank
and a shadow-black mink
basks lazily
on the fork of a fallen tree
by the water’s edge.

And all the while
the Lagan slips by,
its still waters reflecting
a cloudless blue sky.

A day to relax, unwind
and savour the sunshine.
Such a welcome break
from many weeks of rain.
Absolutely perfect –
thank You, Lord!

© Claire Murray, 24th April 2024

Little Drink for the Soul

As I sit chatting to my friend, Ann,
over a cup of tea,
Ann says something
that intrigues me.
“Every day
I take a wee drink
of Holy Water.”

Hmmm …
this sounds new!

“I like to think of it”, continues Ann,
“as a little drink
for the soul.”

I lean in closer
to hear more.

“Always take it
in the name of The Trinity,”
instructs Ann.

This just makes
so much sense to me.

Then comes the clincher –
“You’ll never drink anything
more powerful!”

Ann sits back in her seat
and calmly drinks
her cup of tea
while I sit opposite her,
my head spinning!

I mention all of this
to Mammy
who is not in the least surprised.
“Oh, I know several people
in Derry,” says Mammy,
“who take Holy Water every day
with their medicine.”

And so I have begun to take
a wee drink of Holy Water
every day –
my very own little drink
for the soul.
I take it in the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost,
as Ann instructed.

(I keep it in the fridge
to keep it fresh!”)

© Claire Murray, 20th April, 2024