
Last night
we watched Bishop Fulton Sheen.
He spoke about how,
in the modern, Catholic Church
(this was in the 1960’s)
people don’t seem to do
self-discipline and abstinence
any more.

He saw a culture of,
“I want it, so I’ll have it.
Sure what difference
would it make?” –
a mind-set that is greatly encouraged
by the evil one.

It made me think
about my attitude
to Wednesdays and Fridays –
days that we treat
as days of abstinence.

To be honest,
my heart sinks a little
when I awake
on each of these days
and as I anticipate the abstinences
that lie ahead
(especially the bikkies and chocolate!)

Listening to Bishop Fulton Sheen
made me think …
Rather than seeing
Wednesdays and Fridays
as days when I do without,
why not see them instead
as days when I do something
specially for Jesus?

It could be
like my own wee gift
to Jesus.
A gift that I can give
with a smile
instead of with a sinking heart.
(Doesn’t God love
a cheerful giver?)

And no matter
what other people
or the evil one might tell me,
I know that
each of these days of abstinence,
each wee gift,
will make a difference
to Jesus.

© 18th August 2023

Under the Laburnum Tree

One sunny, summer’s day
Paul and I head off
to visit Uncle Hugh.
The sun blazes down on us
as we speed along
motorways and roads,
all lined with wild flowers
that bow and nod
as we sweep past.

Up the Glenshane Pass
where we are surrounded
by the Sperrins
stretching out all around
in shades of green, yellow
and brown.

Then, Uncle Hugh’s house
where we are greeted
with a smile, a kiss
and a handshake.

Hugh lives in a cottage
that simply oozes charm –
white walls and blue windowsills,
all surrounded by colourful flowers –
a testament to my late Aunt Anna’s flair
and love of gardening.

When tea is ready
we all go out into the garden
where Hugh has set out
a table and chairs
under the laburnum tree
whose delicate branches drape
in welcome shade
all around us.
And that’s where we spend
the afternoon –
chatting and reminiscing,
among the peace and quiet
(while next door’s rooster
proclaims and occasional

A beautiful, summer’s afternoon
spent with Uncle Hugh.
Hugh is a wee bit stooped now,
but sharp as a tack
and with a deep faith
that gives him the strength
to face-up every day
to life without his wife, Anna
and his son, Anthony.

Thank You, Lord,
for a very happy, sunny afternoon
spent under the laburnum tree
with Uncle Hugh.
It truly was a blessing!

© Claire Murray, 30th July, 2024