
I came tumbling off my bike
at Custom House Square.
Concerned strangers
came to my aid
as I found myself
staring at the Albert Clock,
trying to figure out
what on earth had just happened.

Now I find myself unable to cycle,
unable to drive;
I have a sneaking suspicion
I’ve been grounded
by My God!

But being grounded isn’t a punishment;
it’s an invitation from My God
for me to rest,
to take a break from a hectic life style,
to stop rushing around
and, above all,
to cease my habitual search
for that elusive goal
of being in two places at once!

Two thousand years ago
Jesus called Matthew
as he sat outside the custom house
in Capernaum.
Two weeks ago
Jesus called me
as I came tumbling off my bike
at Custom House Square
in Belfast.

© Claire Murray