Unspoken Question


for the first time in months,
I got to cycle past the Two Balls
that straddle the West Link.

As I approached these massive spheres
I felt a question begin to surface
in my mind
and I sensed you laughing,
calling out in a sing-song voice,
“Claire, I know
what you’re going to ask!”
I laughed and you continued,
“And the answer’s “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

I cycled on, delighted
at your joyful response
to my unspoken question
which had been,
is it possible for me
to not only sing without fear,
but to actually enjoy doing it?”

you are just brimming over
with possibilities!

© Claire Murray

Everything Is Possible!

As I cycled to work each day
I watched with interest
as the construction men and engineers
built a huge ball
out of industrial sized pieces of steel,
just like Mecanno.

When it was complete
they began work on a second ball,
even bigger than the first.
I watched it grow.

Pól Óg read the newspaper
and informed me
that the smaller ball would be built
inside the massive ball.
I doubted that.

The smaller ball was left untouched
while the huge ball grew taller and taller,
rounder and rounder.
Over the months I watched
and decided that Pól Óg was mistaken;
there was no way
that the smaller ball could possibly go
inside the large one.

As I cycled to work one morning
I made a mental note
that the big ball was near completion.
I was disappointed for Pól Óg.

But as I turned the corner on the Westlink
on my way home again that same day
I saw something that made me stare.
A huge crane was over beside the two balls
and suspended from it
was the smaller ball!

I watched in amazement
as the smaller ball was lowered
inside the bigger ball.
I laughed with joy.

Then I heard Jesus declaring, laughing,
“Didn’t I tell you
that nothing is impossible?
You just have to think
outside the box!”

© Claire Murray