Breakfast at The Everglades

Breakfast at The Everglades
was truly magnificent,
a real feast!
I was spoilt for choice.
What should I try first?

Fresh fruit salad with red berries?
Natural yoghurt with hazelnuts?
Orange juice, apple juice or cranberry juice?
White bread, brown bread or wheaten bread?
Toasted or untoasted?
A croissant, American muffin or Danish pastry?
Cold meats or fish?

Such a delightful dilemma to start my day!
I was having a ball!

But Paul, my husband,
wasn’t feeling well.
All Paul wanted for breakfast
was a banana.
A female member of staff explained to me
there were none.

She looked concerned, thought for a moment
and then told me
that she had brought a banana with her for lunch
and that Paul was welcome to it.
She insisted.
Minutes later
a perfect banana was presented to Paul
with a smile.

I was deeply touched
by such kindness and concern
shown by a stranger.
The highlight for me
of that magnificent breakfast
was the generosity
of that member of staff.

But it makes me wonder
why am I so deeply impressed
by a caring stranger
who gave up her banana for Paul
and yet when I think of Jesus
who sacrificed his life for me
I am often unmoved?

(c) Claire Murray