
Clannad performed at The Waterfront
and I watched, fascinated,
as Moya Brennan played the harp.

In her hands the harp played
slow, haunting melodies,
racing reels and jigs
and dreamy love songs.

By itself,
the harp cannot produce
a single note
but in Moya’s hands
the harp became an instrument
that conjured up many moods.

As I watched Moya play the harp
I realised
that this is how I should be
with My God.

I need to surrender myself
to become My God’s instrument.
I need to make myself available to him
and entrust myself to his capable hands.

I need to relinquish control
so that the hands of My God may gently take
the flawed, weak person that I am
and use me as his instrument
to produce beautiful music.

In this way,
in the ordinariness
and in the wonder
of my daily life
My God’s will may be done,
whatever that will may be.

© Claire Murray