Silver Lining

Last night
I worked long and hard
and it was the wee, small hours
before I was ready to go to bed.
I felt drained.

As I passed the bedroom window
I juked out.
A deserted street,
houses in darkness.
Definitely time for bed!

Just then,
a fox appeared,
trotting steadily down the street.
In just a few seconds
he had gone.

My heart leapt.
A fox!
Neighbours used to tell us about a fox
who visited our estate daily in Dundrod
many years ago.
In ten years, we had never seen the fox ourselves
and we had long since given up
looking out for him.

When I spotted the fox
my tiredness vanished.
I grinned
and I was reminded
that every cloud has a silver lining
and that in all of life’s difficulties
we experience gifts from Our God
in the love of our friends and family,
in random acts of kindness from strangers,
in the beauty of Our God’s creation
and sometimes even
in the unexpected sighting of a fox
trotting quietly along a street
in Dundrod
in the wee, small hours.

© Claire Murray

House Martins

I watch house martins
as they swoop, dive and dodge,
building a mud nest
on a neighbour’s house.

They seem so sure
of their place in the world –
Dundrod for five months
and then Africa
for the rest of the year.

I wonder whether they have any sense
of your place in their world?
If you were to appear in Dundrod
would the house martins recognise you
as their designer and creator,
the reason for their being?

Sometimes I question
my place in the world.
I rail against
the complexities of my life
and I struggle.
I look on the certainty of the house martins
with envy
and I lose sight of the fact
that right here, right now
is exactly where I am supposed to be.

Help me, Lord,
to remember to give you
your place in my world
so that I, in turn,
may find my own.

© Claire Murray