
Feeling slightly troubled in mind
about a task that has been given to me
I head out for a walk
down our wee road.

Long rows of hedges
line our road,
looking dull, dry,
brown, brittle
and dead.

I glance ahead
and my eye is drawn
to one small, golden patch of colour
splashed incongruously
along the top of one section
of the lifeless hedge.
It’s gorse.

When I draw near
I see gleaming, glowing, golden flowers
on small, spikey branches
framed by a bright sky
and I feel this determinedly cheerful gorse
proclaim, “There’s hope!”

I peer at the bright flowers and I notice
that the hedge beside it is covered
with tiny brown buds.
I realise that the seemingly lifeless hedge
is actually bursting with the promise of new life.

I continue my walk
with a spring in my step,
a smile on my face
and conviction in my heart
that the task that seemed so daunting
when I started my walk
really is possible
after all.

© Claire Murray