Healing the Deaf Man (Mark 7: 31-37)


friends of a deaf man
brought him to you in faith,
hoping that you would heal him.

You were surrounded by people
but you led the deaf man to a place
where you could be alone.
This was not to be a spectacle
to amaze or impress.
This was to be between
You, Your Daddy and the deaf man.

In the privacy of that place
You laid hands on the deaf man,
touched his ears and tongue in blessing
and prayed.
You asked the deaf man
to keep this to himself
and You left.

Today, I feel you calling me
in the same way.
You ask me to take time
out of my hectic life
to spend in prayer
with You.

You welcome me
as the wounded person that I am
and you invite me
into a relationship with you
that is personal
and intimate.
You offer me the opportunity to become
all that you have always intended
that I can be.

Like the deaf man,
You call me to leave the world,
to spend intimate, healing time with you.
Then you invite me
to return to the world. © Claire Murray