
As I sit in the living room,
trying to still myself to prayer,
I become aware
of happy sounds
coming from the kitchen
where Aoife is doing her homework.

As Aoife sits there,
doing her RE homework,
she is surrounded
by Bible, books, laptop and pens.
Aoife sings, hums and whistles,
her clicking pen
providing occasional percussion accompaniment.

My God nudges me, smiles and says,
“Can you hear Aoife in the kitchen?
She’s so happy sitting there,
studying away.
Aoife thinks that she’s alone.
She doesn’t realize
that I’m there,
right beside her,
right inside her,
relishing this teenage celebration of life!

Aoife is oblivious to my presence,
and denies my existence, even!
Yet part of her senses me
and responds,
causing her spirit to soar.

Aoife, without realizing it,
is enjoying my company!”

© Claire Murray