Me and God

When the time comes,
when the river is a raging torrent
that I must cross
I will call out to God, My Daddy,
and He will come.

We will meet
as evening falls
at Tullyrusk.
I will sit, waiting,
at the end of the bridge
and My Daddy
will appear.
He will sit beside me
and we will talk:
My Daddy,
big and strong beside me;
me snuggled up
against him.
My Daddy will say to me,
“Claire, are you ready?
We’ll go in your own time”.
I will nod.
We will rise together
and approach the bridge.

I am only wee
but I feel safe
beside My Daddy
who is so big and strong.
My Daddy will wear
his warm, brown, cosy
winter coat
with the deep pockets.
He will take my wee hand in his
and we will both
slip our hands
into his pocket.
My Daddy will walk beside me
at just the right speed
so that I don’t have to run
to keep up with Him.

Sometimes the water might be a raging torrent;
other times it might be a mere trickle.
It doesn’t matter.
We will cross that bridge
when we come to it;
me and God,

© Claire Murray