My Mountain

Every day I climb a little bit
of my spiritual mountain.
It’ll take me the whole of my lifetime
to reach the top.

This morning I have reached
a tiny ledge,
a place of safety.
After an arduous climb,
it’s time to simply rest on my ledge,
and bask in the presence of My God.

This is no time to look ahead
and consider the great distance
I have yet to travel.
It is a time to relax and wonder at
all of the gifts
that My God has showered me with.

It is a time to contemplate
the beauty of where I am right now
and to see how far I have come
in the company of My God.

This is a time to exclaim,
“Lord, it is wonderful for me to be here!”

© Claire Murray

On My Mountain Top

This morning I feel
as if I’m standing
on my own personal mountain top,
admiring the view.

It’s been a long and difficult climb
but I got here in the end.
And now that I am here
I want to enjoy it.
I no longer want
to look back over particular difficulties
and apportion blame.
The time for that has passed.
What’s important
is that this is where I am,
right here, right now.

Now is the time
for the pain endured in getting here
to be left behind.
It no longer matters.

Now is the time to allow myself
to simply enjoy the moment.

© Claire Murray