Our True Nature

at your Transfiguration
you let your whole self be seen –
the divine
in human form.

I wonder
how we would all see each other
if we were to be transfigured
so that our true nature
was revealed?

Would we see each other,
young and old,
as tiny children of Our God,
and needing Our God’s help?
Would we recognise in each other
the deep desire to be loved
just for who we are?

In those we love
and in those we struggle to love,
in those we respect
and in those we sometimes treat with contempt,
in those we willingly forgive
and in those against whom we bear grudges,
would we see the love of God
radiate as light
from those who embrace God?
Would we see the darkness
in those who strive so hard to deny
the tiny spark of God within?

Would we, at long last,
be able to find it in our hearts
to love each other
and ourselves?

© Claire Murray