Wee Bit Cheeky!

I did something yesterday
that was just a wee bit cheeky!
It was my birthday
and I called into St Malachy’s.
And as I sat there
I suddenly found myself thinking,
“I wonder if I could ask God
for a birthday present?”

I reasoned that
God seems to listen to saints
in a special way
on their feast days,
so maybe He might listen to me
in a special way
on my birthday!
Especially since this wasn’t just
an ordinary week,
this was our Parish Mission week!
I reckoned that maybe
the odds were stacked
in my favour!

You see, I long to sing for God
without fear
but for me trying to do that
is like reaching for the stars.
Most of the time
it just feels impossible
but on a few rare, precious occasions
I have managed to do it.

And so I prayed,
“Lord, can you help me
to sing without fear?
I don’t even know
what sort of help I need
I just know
that I need help!”

I left St Malachy’s
with this conviction
that singing without fear
was something that we (God and I)
really could achieve together.

That evening, at our Parish Mission
not only did I sing
but I actually sang up on the altar
where people could see me!
And I was only
a wee bit scared.

This evening I sang again at our Parish Mission
and I wasn’t afraid
and I thought,
“Wow! Imagine me not being afraid!
That’s my birthday present from God!
Isn’t He great?”

You see, God and I
make a fantastic team
and we can do amazing things
when we’re together.

© Claire Murray

Where I Belong

sometimes I find myself wondering,
“What am I doing here?
How on earth did I end up
in this situation?”

Paul and I sat side by side
at lunchtime Mass
at St Malachy’s.
And it felt so right to be there,
joined in marriage,
united in prayer.
I had a strong sense
that I belonged there,
by Paul’s side.

Today I sang at Johanna’s funeral
with our folkgroup.
Together we stood on the altar,
giving praise to You
and bringing comfort
to Johanna’s family.
I had a strong sense
that I belonged there,
bringing You closer to people
through song.

Later as I walked in autumn sunshine
to my work,
I had a sense
that this place of work is where I belong.

I have this sense
that the reason I am where I am,
right here, right now,
is that here is exactly
where I belong.

© Claire Murray